Friday, 17 June 2011

Procrastinating Much??? ^-^

I'm telling you laziness is an intolerable sin. But I cannot seem to muster the will power to make anymore progress on this final assignment. Today (well in all honesty since last night). I just haven't been feeling like it. Don't get me wrong I understand the importance of this assignment and I know I must get a move on, but I keep forgetting that I'm supposed to be compiling a script and keep falling back into the movie and watching it.

If I were ever in doubt about my concentration problems this has confirmed it. I am not focusing on the task at hand. I wonder where I can get some ginkgo biloba to help me complete this assignment this weekend?

On a more positive note, thank God for facilitators who pay enough attention to their students and will take the time out (like my poor facilitator did) to advise their stubborn students, and assist them even after they claim they do not need help. I was extended some much need leniency from my facilitator and to say the least even if I am not (ONLY CURRENTLY IT MUST DISSIPATE) in the mood to do the assignment, I am still in a pretty grateful mode.

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