Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Dialogue to Screenplay say what 0_o???

Well I hate to state the obvious but Judgement Day has yet to arrive, and hopefuls like myself (don't worry I didn't believe him) are going to have to wait until October 21, 2011 (how disappointing I was hoping not to have any class today :-( Oh well ). Well just for good measure the facilitator for this course; Writing for the Electronic Media, gave us an...INTERESTING albeit puzzling assignment for our Labour Day project (which had to be done and handed in by midnight Sunday prior to Labour Day).The assignment was to transform a real life oral conversation that was observed into a short screenplay utilizing writing methods and techniques for screenplay and employing the five primary elements of a screenplay (Screen heading, action, character, parenthetical and dialogue). Sounds like fun right?

Well let me tell you, it is not as easy as it sounds. What were my challenges?

  1. It was hard to observe a conversation without looking like you were eaves dropping - at which point the conversers (if that's not a real word I'm coining it for the purpose of this conversation) will go quite or throw you very dirty looks and comments.
  2. It is really hard to remember verbatim what is being said in a conversation when it starts to get juicy and you get engrossed -  at which point you start to either laugh out loud, get angry on the behalf of the persons speaking or expressing your disgust by hissing your teeth. This inevitable leads you back to number one since the speakers will notice if you exclaiming loudly with out an audience to suggest that you are not psychologically disturbed.
However, I am happy to report that I was able to observe and record a very interesting conversation and convert said into a screenplay. But you know Murphy's Law, yep I got caught up in that on Sunday afternoon when I wanted to hand in my assignment. I ensured that the first thing I did after devotion was to complete the assignment, however I had no internet at home. After showering to go to school since the labs were open, I began to rain, really really hard. I kept waiting for it to stop or at the very least get to a drizzle. However each time that happened as soon as I grabbed the umbrella and was through my gate it came again harder than before. When it slowed enough to walk and I decided I would not be thawed my umbrella got stuck, in an effort to open it I pulled too hard and dismantled the thing. I ended up walking with a bent out of shape umbrella on the long route since the short cut was at that point pools of mud and no taxi seemed to be willing to pick up the semi-drenched young lady. Did I mention i was walking with loud clashes of lightening and roaring thunder? The lightening was not flashing until I went outside and that is potentially my greatest fear. When I did arrive at school and at the computer labs about 3 minutes to 7 the lab technician was just about to close the grill. I really was on the verge of tears then, but the grace of God was with me nevertheless and the lab tech seeing the drenched wet rat look that I was sporting coupled with saucer sized wet eyes and lashes decided to have mercy on me and allowed me to post my assignment (it didn't go through until the third try).

I'm not generally a negative person and I am always up for a good challenge, but last Sunday and this assignment has me drawing for my Rambo wits in an effort to try as best as possible to ensure that I can not only outsmart but defeat the barrage of other assignments and bad luck days that this course has in store. i'm putting my battle face on - I have class this evening.
N.B. - I would love to post the attachment of my assignment for you but I can't seem to find an attachment button. Guide me to it if you know where it is. Thank much.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Hello - Blogging...I'm so excited.

Sooo... Hello. It's not my first time, so I won't act like an innocent. I've done this before but this will be my first time going all the way. But I am excited and I want to do it so bad so this is a great time to start...Writing for the Electronic Media. This is our first class and I have to say I like the on-line class business and the teacher isn't too bad ;-). So the idea is that over the next 6 weeks we will be taught the most effective means of writing for electronic media (yes 6 weeks to learn the awesome art of keeping the interest of fickle beings on the magnificent media of TV, radio and the internet...I think I'm starting to hyperventilate). But I'm not worried (that is an absolute lie) I look forward to all the wondrous (and definitely overwhelming) things that makes our favourite sites the ones we always go back to and how is it that one radio program can so aptly hold my interest but another can't and how is it that Hollywood greats such as my personal favourite Quentin Quarintino write their scripts to enthrall their audience. It's only been two classes so far but I am soooo excited!!! Well until next time (oh shucks that's next week...well that's if judgement day doesn't come.)